The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network Program offers a highly competitive and attractive salary and working conditions. Each position includes the following:
Monthly living allowance
~3400 €/month gross. This amount is different depending on the country you live and depends on country-specific correction coefficients and tax.
The host organisation will appoint the candidate under an employment contract.
The host organisation will ensure that the researcher is covered under:
- the social security scheme that is applied to employers within the respective country, or...
- ...under a social security scheme that provides coverage for at least sickness and maternity benefits, invalidity and accidents at work and occupational diseases, and covers the researcher in every place at which Marie Skłodowska-Curie DN activities will take place. The exact conditions will differ per country.
Monthly mobility allowance
To cover personal household, relocation and travel expenses, 600€/month gross will be paid to each candidate.
Other allowances
When applicable, family, long-term leave and special needs allowances may also be provided. A researcher with family responsibility is defined as follows:
- Person linked to the researcher by marriage
- Person linked to the researcher by a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage that is recognised by the national legislation of the country of the host organisation or of the researcher’s home country.
- Dependent children who are being supported by the researcher