Individual Research Project 1. Novel histone modifications promoting seed priming and drought tolerance under the supervision of Vicente Rubio at Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC) in Madrid, Spain.

The aim of the project is the characterization of the role of orphan-of-function histone posttranslational modifications (ofPTMs), during the seed-to-seedling transition and drought tolerance in both Arabidopsis and oilseed rape. The project involves the identification of ofPTM-targeted genes to be used as markers for optimal seed priming and seed quality, as well as the enzymes; writers and erasers that modulate ofPTMs deposition in response to stresses.

The objectives of the Project will allow the unveiling of new molecular connections between environmental signaling pathways, chromatin remodeling and proteostatic machineries that trigger precise gene expression programmes that allow increased tolerance of crops to climate change-associated stresses, particularly favoring enhanced seed vigour.

For this, a multidisciplinary approach will be undertaken; integrating phenotypic, molecular, proteomics and epigenomic information from both Arabidopsis and oilseed rape plants grown under control and stress conditions.

Active collaboration with partners at the University of Clermont Auvergne (France), at the company Deutsche Saatveredelung AG (DSV, Germany) and at the IBMCP-CSIC in Valencia (Spain) to get not only specific training in molecular approaches but also intellectual input that will be valuable to the progress of your project.

CNB-Host Institution

The National Centre for Biotechnology (CNB) is a research centre of the CSIC, Spain’s most important public scientific institution. The CNB opened in 1992 at the Campus of the UAM, Madrid, to lead in developing modern biotechnology in Spain. Our principal objectives are to:

  • Acquire knowledge and develop new technologies in the areas of human and animal health, agriculture and the environment
  • Promote knowledge and technology transfer for the benefit of society- Train future generations of researchers and technologists
  • Engage and inform society about advances and the benefits of biotechnolog.


The CNB is distinguished by its versatile interdisciplinary research that combines molecular biology methods with the latest technology in the fields of functional and structural biology. We are a team of more than 600 professionals committed to research excellence. The CNB has been recognised repeatedly by an international committee of experts as one of the Severo Ochoa Centres of Excellence in Medicine and Life Sciences.

Any questions?

Do you have any questions, or do you require additional information? Please contact: Dr Vicente Rubio;