Abiotic Stresses: Plant hormones in environmental signaling

This lecture will illustrate the Plant hormones in environmental signaling landscape, specially focused on the hormonal response to abiotic stress.


It is part of the training of doctoral students from the EpiSeedLink consortium.



Fellows will learn among other topics about:

    • What are plant hormones?
    • How hormones help plants to cope with the environment throughout their life
    • How hormones participates in development processes in plants
    • Hormonal responses to abiotic stress


The conference is given by Dr. David Alabadí, one of the EpiSeedLink Supervisors, belonging to Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Plantas (IBMCP), research center from CSIC (Spain).



Frontal Image designed by Freepick (www.freepick.es)

DNA methylation lecture

This lecture will illustrate the DNA methylation landscape, specially focused on DNA methylation in plants.

It is part of the training of doctoral students from the EpiSeedLink consortium.



Fellows will learn among other topics about:

    • Mammalian methyltransferases
    • DNA methylation and genomic imprinting
    • DNA methylation in Plants
    • Selected functions of DNA methylation in Plants


The conference is given by Dr. Ueli Grossniklaus, one of the EpiSeedLink Supervisors, belonging to the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology of  Zurich University.




Frontal image by <a href="https://www.freepik.es/foto-gratis/concepto-representacion-adn_44999160.htm#page=2&query=DNA%20methylation&position=20&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=2c1dcf5f-91fc-4b24-a947-016a83c040ea">Freepik</a>

The regulatory landscape for plant biostimulants in the EU

Lecture presented as part of the training of doctoral students from the EpiSeedLink consortium in the Plant breeding course.

The conference is given by Dr. Thomas Leppin, EBIC (European Biostimulants Industry Council) Director-at-Large, and Regulatory Affairs Management by Compo Expert.

He explains to fellows the roadmap to launch a new biostimulant to the market.





Scientific Methods Course

This course will illustrate the principles of scientific research.

It will allow: 

    • exercising methodical doubt
    • checking hypothesis
    • discuss how to design appropiate experiments

Fellows will learn among other topics about:

    • how to plant and execute a research project
    • principles of open science,
    • pitfalls of publication
    • fake science


Green/Environmental Awareness Course

This course will help to raise awareness of the carbon imprint of everyday life and in particular Research actions

Dr. José Miguel Mulet from UPV explains to the fellows:

  • the sustainable implementation of specific measures, including the use of renewable forms of energy at research institutes,
  • how to reduce waste and energy loss, and
  • how to implement green traveling and transportation to research events


Ethics and Research Integrity Course

Ethics and Research Integrity and ethical behavior are an integral part of scientific excellence

Dr. LL. Montoliu from CNB-CSIC explains to the fellows the ethical challenges and issues related to research integrity, as well as how to address these challenges and issues.