8th of March, International Women`s Day

EpiSeedLink´s members wish you a happy International Women´s Day




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March EpiSeedLink Agenda

EpiSeedLInk´s team will be in Paris in March 2024. We will celebrate our I Annual Meeting, and also around this meeting the fellows will continue learning, performing several training courses.

All these activities will be held at the Hotel La Villa Modigliani in Paris from the 8th until the 20th of March.



  • Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Fellows will be trained in data protection (informed consent, data storage, Data Management Plan), intellectual property (IP); protection modalities, IPR management plans, exploitation of results), consortium agreements, confidentiality, publications, responsibility, and jurisdiction, and will be introduced to the value of IP, and how to develop IP strategies with an emphasis on plant breeders’ rights and plant varieties. The training is a mix of theoretical classes, which will be online, and practical exercises, which will be face-to-face in Paris. The trainers are Amaya Mallea, José Luis Erdozain, and Isabel Marco from PONS.

  • Presentation training course

This is an intensive, hands-on training course on how to give an Audience-focused Presentation in English to colleagues in the field. Afterwards, the Fellows can deliver their research clearly, in a confident and compelling manner. The trainers are Märiel Vaartjes and Karin Herrenbout from Moile Moile. 

  • Scientific Writing.

Through discussions, exercises, homework, and detailed feedback, the Fellows will learn the principles of scientific writing and how to write an audience-targeted text. The Fellows will be equipped with writing tools as well as a road map to help them write their next scientific article efficiently. The trainer is Dr Brian Cusack from Scientific Craft. 

  • Public engagement (PE).

To create awareness among the general public of the value of scientific research, Cell EXPLORERS (CE, www.cellexplorers.com; UoG) will train Fellows in PE. The training includes previous online theoretical and hands-on sessions on general aspects and different formats of PE in science including online practical sessions with children. But now, in Paris, the Fellows will be trained to create educational material for children’s activities delivered to schools/groups. Specifically, Fellows will together prepare materials (e.g. background information, instructions, practical materials) to create a Seed Germination Kit to engage young people in plant science.


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February EpiSeedLink Agenda

EpiSeedLink resumes the training courses in February.

Episeedlink´s fellows will learn about Video development for Public engagement.

Sara Farrona, one of our EpiSeedLink Supervisors,  and Niall Flaherty, one expert in the field, both from the University of Galway have been working on preparation for the training.

The training will include the lecture ” The History of Life Project” by John Murray, a guest speaker.

Videos are versatile tools for learning and teaching and are key for public engagement tools.

This course will teach how to create novel Public Engagement material in the form of moving images to trigger fascination about plants and agricultural sciences.

Through theoretical and practical sessions, the Fellows will be trained in storyboard creation and video recording.

Finally, in teams, they will produce 4 public engagement videos that will be shown in our Annual Meeting, and used for public engagement activities.


11th of February, International Day of Women and Girsl in Science

EpiSeedLink wishes you a happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science!

Today, we honor the invaluable contributions of women and girls in the field of science.

From groundbreaking discoveries to innovative research, their dedication and intellect have reshaped our understanding of the world.




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September EpiSeedLink Agenda

EpiSeedLink resumes the training courses in September after summer.

Episeedlink´s fellows will learn about Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in two courses, one theoretical online and the other practical at the CBGP.



  • Theory on NGS. This training will provide theoretical background underlying NGS and library preparations. It will consist of lectures and practical exercises learning Fellows to make informed decisions regarding the appropriate sequencing platform, best approaches to prepare libraries from different types of samples (multiplexing, adaptor design), and experimental design (nr of replicates, reads/sample, controls required, etc). It will be online on the 4th and 5th of September. Tijs Bliek and Maike Stam (one of our Supervisors) will be the trainers. Both belong to the  Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS) from the University of Amsterdam (UVA).


  • ChIP seq Course. This course will provide hands-on training in Chromatin Immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) on Arabidopsis and oilseed rape leaves. Fellows will learn to prepare the biological material, crosslink, and carry out all steps of the ChIP protocol, to perform quality controls and qPCR validation, to isolate and quantify amounts of immunoprecipitated DNA, and to generate the libraries for NGS. The course will held at the Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas (CBGP) in Madrid. It will be during the week of the 18th of September. The trainers will be  Dr. Pedro Crevillén and Antón Abelenda, with the assistance of Dr. Manolo Piñeiro and Dr. José Antonio Jarillo.  All of them are members of EpiSeedLink´s family at the CBGP.


  • European Researchers Night. This is a Europe-wide event which attracts more than 1.5 million visitors each year and will certainly be happening near you. You will have the opportunity to learn about the interesting research projects going on close to you.