EpiSeedLink’s Mid-Term Meeting Showcases Strides in Seed Priming Research Collaboration
The much-anticipated mid-term meeting of the EpiSeedlink project, dedicated to assessing the progress of the consortium, recently took place. The meeting gathered Doctoral Candidates (DCs), Supervisors, External Advisory Board members, the management of the consortium, and the European Project Officer, Paula Hokkanen to evaluate several crucial aspects of the ongoing project.
The mid-term meeting aimed to assess the fulfillment of the recruitment procedure, the eligibility of Doctoral Candidates, project progress, and any deviations from the original research training program. The meeting, organized at month 13-15, necessitated the submission of all deliverables, including a detailed progress report, as a prerequisite for discussion.
The agenda, proposed by the Coordinator and agreed upon with the Project Officer, included key topics such as introductions, a presentation by the REA Project Officer, the Coordinator’s report, DCs’ individual presentations, a restricted session with the DCs, a meeting between the Coordinator and the Project Officer, and feedback/open discussion.
Doctoral Candidates actively participated in the meeting by preparing slideshows to introduce themselves and outline their individual research projects. The DCs’ presentations provided insights into their backgrounds, training, secondments, and the overall impact of the collaborative network on their academic and professional development.
The meeting featured a restricted sessions with the DCs, allowing them to engage with the European Project Officer on various aspects, including administration, supervision, integration, and training effectiveness. A subsequent restricted session between the Coordinator and Project Officer facilitated discussions on any pertinent issues.
The collaborative spirit evident throughout the meeting showcased the commitment of all stakeholders to advancing seed-priming research and nurturing the next generation of researchers in this critical field.
Text by Shannon Skye Derman, Martina Curci,and Maira Marins, PhD Student EpiSeedLink Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
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